Posted under TTC by Dr. Suchetana Sengupta



Considering IVF? Know These Useful Insights

If you have been thinking about fertility treatments recently, then you might have come across the term In-Vitro Fertilisation. This is a type of assisted reproductive technology. IVF success rate in Kolkata and other parts of India is comparatively high, and this is one of the most preferred ways of having a child. Here are few valuable insights in IVF for you:

What is In-Vitro Fertilisation?
This is a process where the eggs (ova) are removed from a woman's ovary. The egg is then fertilised with the sperm through a laboratory procedure. Once the egg is fertilised, it is then returned to the woman's uterus.

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Who can go for In-Vitro Fertilisation?
In-Vitro Fertilisation is one of the several widely adopted assisted reproductive techniques helping infertile couple throughout the world to have a child. A couple is considered infertile when even after having unprotected sexual intercourse for a year, the woman is unable to bear a child. Several factors are responsible for infertility which includes low sperm count or poor quality of sperm, blocked or damaged fallopian tube, endometriosis, and hormonal imbalance.

IVF is considered as an option when the couple cannot have children through natural processes and artificial insemination. Whether or not you can undergo IVF relies heavily on your reason for infertility. Even if the woman has a blockage in your fallopian tube, have endometriosis or the man has a poor quality of sperm, then these problems are first addressed with other treatment options. The woman can undergo surgery for blocked fallopian tubes and endometriosis. If all the methods fail, then only doctors suggest going for in-vitro fertilisation.

In-Vitro Fertilisation won’t work in case the man isn’t able to produce at least a few healthy sperm or if the woman isn’t ovulating at all.

What happens in IVF?
Before starting the process, a woman is given fertility drugs. This is so that several eggs can mature in the ovaries instead of just one. Once the eggs are formed, they are removed from the ovaries using a long, thin needle.

After the eggs are removed, they are fused with the sperm in a test tube or any other laboratory dish (this is how the term “test-tube” baby came into being).

The specialist might remove several eggs. All the eggs (both fertilised and unfertilised) are gathered and frozen. The eggs are saved for later use and additional IVF attempts.

After that, the specialists will monitor the eggs for several days. Once the eggs fertilise and the cells start to divide, the egg is then returned to the uterus.

The woman may be given a sedative before performing the procedure. This is a painless procedure; however, some might feel mild cramps.

Considering In-Vitro Fertilisation in Kolkata?
IVF success rate in Kolkata is pretty high. You need to consult experts with a high rate of success to ensure that the process is accomplished. If you are planning to try IVF, then you can check the options at Care IVF. Get in touch with us today at

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About the author

The author, Dr. Suchetana Sengupta is a Fertility Consultant at Care IVF Kolkata. For an appointment with the doctor, call +91-33-66-398-600. You can also book a Skype Consultation here.

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