Posted under Fertility Treatment by Dr. Suchetana Sengupta



5 Tips that will see you through a Successful Surrogacy

5 Tips that will see you through a Successful Surrogacy


Being pregnant is one of the most wonderful feeling for any woman. However, things are a bit different when you are opting for surrogacy and IVF.

Apart from a complex medical journey, the whole process of surrogacy is emotional for both the parents and the surrogate. Keeping in mind certain key elements ensures that you have the most positive surrogacy experience:

  1. Select the surrogate carefully:
    Selecting a healthy surrogate is an essential factor in determining the success of the entire process. Do a thorough background check that includes checking references, medical and criminal histories. Go through the medical records of the surrogate and discuss their financial security. While compensation is a part of the process but the surrogate must be financially stable enough to take care of her and the baby during the pregnancy process.
  2. Get involved in the process:
    The more you get involved in the process, the higher the success rates. We understand that you are eager and excited to know about how the surrogate is feeling and receive any updates on pregnancy. To do that, be in constant touch with the surrogate. Ask the surrogate to keep you informed about any updates. Accompany the surrogate to the doctor’s appointments. The more you communicate with the surrogate, the stronger the relationship will be. And it will be easier for both to cope up with the situation.
  3. Be flexible:
    The due date is not definite and the final few weeks are extremely crucial. Avoid making any absolute plans as you are not sure exactly when the baby will be born. You have to be adaptable. We understand that emotions run high during this time but when you accept the uncertainty, it will keep you from losing your sleep. Understand that you cannot control everything and that; things may not happen as you want them to.
  4. Consult a Therapist
    Often, people become anxious with the surrogate. If you find it difficult to handle your emotions, consult a therapist. This will help you work through your feelings. You have to understand that that body of the surrogate is undergoing changes due to the pregnancy. Apart from the emotional ups and downs, the surrogate is fatigued. Remember that at the end of this journey you are going to be blessed with a bundle of joy. So, try to control your anxiety.
  5. Talk Openly to your Doctor
    Surrogacy and IVF may be stressful for you. And that’s why it is important to openly discuss everything with your doctor. You need to clear all your doubts regarding the procedure. This will help boost your confidence regarding the entire process.
    Above all, when choosing a clinic or a doctor, do it carefully. Always go to IVF clinics that are experienced in such procedure. This will ensure 100% success of the process.

Surrogacy Clinics in Kolkata

Are you struggling with infertility and would like to opt for surrogacy and IVF? If yes then know more about surrogacy and IVF at

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About the author

The author, Dr. Suchetana Sengupta is a Fertility Consultant at Care IVF Kolkata. For an appointment with the doctor, call +91-33-66-398-600. You can also book a Skype Consultation here.

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